Hellooo guys! ♡ I know it has been a while since my last post and I have been wanting to do a life update for the longest time! Life lately has been absolutely INSANE because of my final year law exams. I am counting down the days until all of this will finally be over, but right now, I have two exams down, and two more to go. My life has literally been exactly the same for the past two months – wake up at 7am, go to the library, study until 10pm, go home and sleep, repeat the next day. As depressing as it sounds, I know in my heart that if I work hard enough, all my efforts will eventually pay off and I will graduate University this Summer with a law degree and the grades that I want ♡
I honestly have no idea how this is already my last year at Uni and that these are the last exams I will ever take as an undergraduate law student! As the years went by, I have learnt to study a little harder and smarter every year and right when I thought I have finally gotten a better hang of things – it is time for me to leave. It is so true when people say that your first year at university will go by relatively quickly, your second year will go by really fast and that your third year will go by even faster. I still remember exactly how I felt when I first moved to London to start University, and here I am, sitting on my bed as a third-year student, with only two more exams to go until all of this will be over.
However bittersweet this feels, I am just SO happy that in exactly one and a half week’s time, I will never have to do another undergraduate law exam EVER again and that alone is a huge motivation for me to stay focused and study hard for now! If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might also notice that my travel diaries have been seriously lacking this year and that is because I have made the decision not to travel anywhere during term-time this year so I could focus on my schoolwork, which is definitely a change from my first and second year at Uni! Wanderlust has been killing me but I do have some exciting travel plans lined up for the Summer <3
As a matter of fact, in less than 5 weeks’ time, I will be flying off with some of my besties to New York City for our graduation trip and will be staying there for one week – which is a massive dream come true! ♡ I have only been to New York once before when I was 16 years old and fell deeply in love with the City and have been DYING to go back ever since. The fact that I am going to NYC with my best girlfriends this Summer right after I finish my last undergraduate law exams ever is honestly everything I have ever dreamt of <3 I will definitely be doing NYC travel diaries and will take you guys along with us! ♡ On the same day I fly back to London from NYC, my best friend from Hong Kong is flying to London and will be staying with me for a week which I am again SO excited about since I haven’t seen her since Christmas! 😀 We might also go to Paris for a day or two and I am sure we will have the best time ever <3
As if this isn’t enough, on the same day my best friend from Hong Kong leaves to go back home, I am flying from London to Berlin and Copenhagen with my little brother to celebrate the end of his A Levels and Sixth Form life and the end of University for me! ♡ My little brother is a hugeeee Coldplay fan and really wanted to see the Coldplay concert in London this Summer but sadly he would still be having his A levels exams during that time. I know how much he wanted to go to the concert so I crazily suggested that we fly to Berlin for the Coldplay concert there after his exams and he gladly took up the offer! 😛 We thought it would be fun to make it a sibling trip so after staying in Berlin for a few days, we will be heading to Copenhagen for a few more days before flying back to London <3 The two of us have never actually travelled by ourselves before without our parents and I thought this would a brand new experience for us to make some memories of our own before my little brother head to Edinburgh for University in September this year 🙂
After we are back to London from Berlin and Copenhagen, my parents are flying from Hong Kong to London for my graduation – and that will be it! My life as an undergraduate law student will officially come to an end <3 I do have plans to stay in London for at least another year to do a postgraduate degree, but the fact that I am GRADUATING Uni itself is so surreal – I HONESTLY. CANNOT. BELIEVE it will be over so soon, especially since it feels just like yesterday I started Uni 🙁 Right after graduation, I will be flying back to Hong Kong for a few weeks before flying back to London again, but by then – I will no longer be a Uni student, and will be, well – a GRADUATE – and that thought alone is prettyyyyy weird.
So – that’s my not-so-short life update! ♡ If any of you are having exams or are graduating soon just like me, pleaseeee let me know your thoughts and your future plans! <3 For those who are having horrible, stressful exams right now – HANG IN THERE! YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT AND IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT IN THE END! ♡♡♡ And congratulations in advance to the class of 2016!!!! <3 I will be back as soon as my horrifying exams are over and I seriously cannot wait for the day to come hehe! ♡
Ah, congratulations on nearly finishing! I'm in a very similar position to you and am going to make the most of the few months after my exams finish by holidaying and exploring a LOT. I have no plans for a Masters or anything like that (so done with studying!) so any free time I have in June and July will be spent looking for jobs in London!
Imogen // imogenscribbles.co.uk
Yayyy it's glad to hear that someone is in a similar position to me <3 Good luck to your last few exams! I completely understand the excitement of finishing soon! 🙂 Your Summer plans sound amazing as well! 😀 It is such a good idea to travel as much as you can before you actually start working because you might not get as much flexibility to travel around then 🙂 And I completely understand – studying for another year sounds pretty dreadful but I have made up my mind that I want to do one last year of school before diving into the real world – and also because the career I want to go into does require an extra year of postgraduate study! 🙂 Your plan to look for jobs in London in the Summer sounds good too! <3 I am basically in the same place as you job-wise. I find it so hard to find the time to do applications throughout the year when I'm studying because they take so long to do and the interview process isn't exactly very straightforward either. It is a lot easier for me to focus in the Summer and to get all of these done without having to worry about my studies etc. 🙂 Best of luck to you with everything! 😀 xx
Looks like your gonna have the best summer ever sweets! Good luck in everything and can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Also you got this! You are so close now! 🙂 <3
Pingkan x | lifeofpingkan.blogspot.co.uk
Awww thank you so much for your sweet comment! <3 I can't wait for the Summer to start! 😀 xx
Hi there! huge congratulations on you graduation!! a new fase is about to begin but its nice you get to travel around before you do (and well deserved!!) 🙂
Have a great Sunday!
x Josune @ Your Beauty Script
Thank you SO MUCH Josune! I am so excited for the Summer now and I hope you are enjoying your Summer as well! <3