I was thinking about doing another travel diary for this week’s post, but then realised that travel diaries are all that I have been doing for the most part in the past few months. While I loveee sharing all my travels with you guys, there is so much more going on in my life that I would love to share with you here as well 🙂 So today, I decided that I would do a post on the books that I have been absolutely loving and that have inspired me lately. ♡
All in all, this was an excellent read which I would recommend to anyone 🙂 Now onto the next!
I picked up #Girlboss by Nasty Gal’s founder Sophia Amoruso over the Summer when it was very hyped up in the blogging community. It was what everyone was reading (or at least – using as decor on their coffee tables) so when I saw it on sale, I decided to pick it up as well. I did not expect much from the book to start off with because I thought it was just another trendy read, but I was so wrong! I got sucked into the book from the first few pages and absolutely could not put it down.
This book is an autobiography by Sophia Amoruso, in which she shared how she turned her eBay clothing store into a multi-million dollar business in 10 years’ time. Sophia described her turbulent childhood, from dropping out of community college and shoplifting for a living, to finding her passion in vintage clothing and selling them on eBay, which ultimately led her to setting up Nasty Gal which is now worth millions of dollars. Sophia shares her work ethics throughout the book, including what is it that makes her business different from those of others, her views on money and spending (this is my FAVOURITE chapter from the book – *spoiler alert* – Nasty Gal had never taken a single loan before and at one point had one million dollars in cash in its bank account – if this is not inspiring for any start-up business I don’t know what it!), etc. and it was overall a very inspiring and entertaining read, with a lot of humour and a little bit of profanity involved 😛
The last book that inspired me lately happens to be Niomi Smart’s new cookbook Eat Smart! I had pre-ordered this cookbook before it went on shelves (mainly because I am a big fan of Niomi Smart and her healthy recipes on YouYube) and when this book finally arrived on my doorsteps, I was SO excited! I have been eating healthy for the past 2 years and love trying out healthy recipes whenever I am at home. Needless to say, I have been making the recipes from this cookbook non-stop! All the recipes in this cookbook are plant-based (or vegan, as one might say), but you can easily adapt them into healthy meat dishes. Here are some photos of the recipes that I have made from this book 🙂 From banana bread to coconut pancakes to acai bowls, everything was super delicious and I will definitely be trying out more lunch and dinner recipes from the book soon <3
Follow my Instagram for more healthy food creations! ♡
And that is it for the books that have inspired me lately 🙂 I am slowly making more time for leisure reading so please leave recommendations for some of your favourite books down below 🙂 I have a few more books on my shelf that is up next on my to-read list but I am definitely thinking about getting a copy of the Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, since I enjoyed Better Than Before so much!
I will be back with my travel diaries soon (I have another trip coming up in one week’s time and I am SUPER excited about this one! So… lots of travel diaries to catch up on <3). In the meantime, have a wonderful week everyone! ♡
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i love niomi smart and her lifestyle. i need to get her book and start cooking her amazing recipes myself.
Love these 🙂 Inspirational books are such essentials!
The book is so worth it! And I absolutely adore Niomi as a person as well! <3
Thank you! Inspirational books make my day <3
I am always so impressed with your smoothie bowls on instagram! Now I know where you get that inspiration 😉 keep them coming! 🙂
Have a great week!
♥ Josune @ Your Beauty Script
Awww thank you Josune! <3 Haha the smoothie bowls get quite addictive 😀 Even my bf who usually doesn't like food like this asks me to make them for him 😛 Have a wonderful Decemcer and Christmas! <3